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Graduate Student Conference

3:00–3:30 PM     Poster Setup

Basement: Lower Lobby (Room C-0001)

Poster presenters can set up their posters. Light food and refreshments provided.

3:30–4:15 PM     Opening & Panel

Basement: Amphitheater (Room 0003)

Saad Shehab, Associate Director of Assessment and Research at Siebel Center for Design (SCD), will give an opening welcome remark. Next, he will facilitate a discussion with our panelists about their experiences doing education research in graduate school. The panelists include three postdoc/faculty (Drs. Carrie James, Matthew Goodman, Emma Mercier) and the graduate students on their projects (Weronika Kaczmarczyk-Smith, Nachi Shah, Wendy Shi).

4:15–5:15 PM     Poster Presentations

Basement: Amphitheater (Room 0003)

All presenters will give a 1-minute elevator pitch in front of an image of their poster.

5:15–6:00 PM     Poster Showcase

Basement: Amphitheater (Room 0003)

Presenters will engage in informal discussions with audience members by their posters.

6:15–7:30 PM     Private Dinner

1st Floor: Starlight Room (Room 1032-A) & Gallery (Room 1001)

Please note: This event is only for poster presenters, panelists, and event organizers.

Poster List

Listed in alphabetical order by title.

A Conspiracy of Ravens: Reimagining the Role of Educators in Dismantling Oppressive Systems within Career and Technical Education - Andrea Kulas

Adapting a Family Based Nutrition Curriculum for African American Communities - Divya Patel & Ajita Nair

Amasando y Enseñando: Exploring Families’ Interconnected Ways of Knowing & Teaching - Alejandra Frausto Aceves

APAMSA Diversity Efforts: The Importance of Discussion Panels to Enhance Our Patient Care in Medical Education - Hannah Jung

At-Hope Youth’s Grief and the Need for Healing Centered Education - Kenia Rodriguex

Campaña de Salud: Providing Health Services and Education to Champaign-Urbana - Aaron Shulkin

Designing Feedback Loops for 21st Century Education - Justine Rovin

Emotional Resilience, Academic Engagement, and GPA: A Moderation Analysis - Avery Bandstra

Empathy: A Hidden Gem to Inclusive Academic Success - Jennie Lee

Expanding What Counts as Sciences: Professional Learning Efforts to Develop Innovative Curriculum Materials - Nicholas Leonardi & Julia Poel

Exploring Culturally Relevant Digital Content in Enhancing Student Engagement and Learning Outcomes in Public Universities in Tanzania - Maiga Muga

Exploring Parental Perspective on Parenting Education in High School: A Suggested Solution to Enhance Future Children’s Literacy Development in Rural Indonesia - Oktaria Kolnel

Impact of International Short-Term Faculty-Led Programs on Pedagogical Techniques in Engineering - Joshua Katz & Joie Gindorf

Implementation of Artificial Intelligence Tools in Healthcare Practice: An Umbrella Review of Systematic Reviews - Adam Andersen

Increasing Astronomy Education Opportunities and A.I. Access in Rural, IL Schools - Spencer Hulsey

Intentional Technologies for Diverse Futures in Medical Training: An Augmented Reality-based Endotracheal Intubation Simulator - Emre Eraslan

Legacies of Exclusion in Education and Contemporary Dynamics in South Carolina - Itrat Sultan

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Students in Public Education - How Can We Help? - Sarah Langley

Motivational Profiles in STEM Education: Predicting Engagement, Disaffection, and Persistence Across Diverse Undergraduate Students - Qingqing Zhou

R.E.A.C.T (Relationship Efficacy and Complex Trauma) - Mandilyn Graham

The Impact of Emotions on Graduate Teaching Assistants’ In-Role performance: The Mediating Role of Informal Workplace Learning - Hyeyoon Jeong

The Impact of Organizational Learning Culture on Knowledge Workers’ Perceptions of Meaningful Work: The Moderating Effect of Psychological Safety - Hyena Cho

Trauma and Purpose: A Systematic Literature Review and Meta-Analysis - Lillian Dine Young

Understanding the Impact of Perceived Validation on Sense of Belonging Among Nontraditional Students at Four-Year Institutions - Jeongsan Hwang

Women High School Principals: Perspectives on Navigating and Negotiating their Gendered Role - Anne Allegrettitti