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Research & Engagement Bureau of Educational Research College Research Awards Dean’s Summer Research Program 2025

College Research Awards

Dean’s Summer Research Program 2025

Last Update: March 11, 2025

The College of Education is pleased to announce the Dean’s Summer Research Program. The program's purpose is to support faculty-driven summer research, while also providing needed summer support for Education graduate students.  Specifically, this program is designed to provide faculty with the opportunity to work with a graduate student on research-related activities over the summer term. 

Overview: The scope of the work must be related to research (e.g., data collection, data analysis, etc.). Expected outcomes include conference proposal preparation, manuscript preparation, grant proposal preparation, or other related research product. 

Faculty applications will be accepted through Monday, March 17, 2025, 11:59pm, using  the online submission system.

Please review the full terms of this call (below) and the Summer Research Program FAQ for complete information. If you have any questions, please contact

  • The Summer Research Program is open to faculty in the College of Education (any rank, including specialized faculty who advise graduate students).  
  • For the summer 2025 program, faculty are eligible to apply if they have NOT already received other COE research funding in the past year. (See FAQ for detail.)

  • Duration: Eight weeks in Summer 2025, between May 16 and August 15.
  • Summer salary for one graduate student collaborator, provided as a research assistantship for up to 50% (20 hours a week) for 8 weeks, OR 160 hours at the Grad Student Hourly rate for an online or off-campus student.
  • Travel funds: The faculty-student team can be reimbursed up to $1,500, total, for research-related travel or other research-related expenses. 

Proposal Requirements

1. A three-page, single-spaced description of the proposed activity, setting forth: 

  a. Description of the proposed project activity

  b. Motivation for the proposed project, including how the proposed faculty research intersects with the RA’s scholarly development.

  c. Expected product(s), which can include one of more of the following:
     - Conference proposal, 
     - Manuscript (including journal name), 
     - Grant proposal submission, internal or external, with funder; deadline preferably within 12 months
     - Other (please specify, if none of the above covers your work)

2. A one-page timeline of the proposed work, specifying: 

   a. Dates for summer work.

   b. Dates for conference or funding proposal submission beyond the summer period (if applicable).

Proposal Submission and Review
  1. Submission Deadline: Monday, March 17, 2025, 11:59pm.
  2. Submission: Submit proposals via the BER Summer Research Program Portal
  3. Review: Proposals will be reviewed by the College Research Committee.
Proposal Review Process
  1. BER will check proposals for completeness. If there is time before the deadline, incomplete proposals or proposals that do not adhere to these guidelines will be returned for revision. Proposals submitted past the deadline will not be reviewed.
  2. Proposals will be reviewed by the College Research Committee. 
  3. Final decisions for funding rest with the Dean.
Proposal Review Criteria

1. Scope of Work:
   a. Are proposed research goals clear?
   b. How well does the project fit with both faculty and graduate student goals and needs?
   c. Does the proposal present a feasible summer timeline for the work?
2. Expected outcomes to be produced by the awarded pair:
   a. Does the proposal describe clearly and appropriately expected outcomes (e.g., conference proposal, manuscript, grant proposal)?
3. RA Support for Faculty and RA’s Scholarly Development:
   a. Does the proposed activity describe meaningful collaboration between a faculty and a graduate student?
   b. Does the proposal include details on how the experience will promote the RA’s scholarly development? 

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