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MasterTrack®️ Certificate in Instructional Design
Applications for Summer Open on April 21!

Programs & Degrees

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Solve real-world educational challenges and integrate technology with today’s learning environments. 

Earn credit towards a full degree from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign with this Instructional Design MasterTrack®️ Certificate. Gain skills in instructional system design, learning technologies, and more. 

Upon completion of the Instructional Design Certificate program, you will be able to:

  • Identify and apply the elements of a systematic instructional design process.
  • Understand the language and terminology pertinent to the design of learning systems.
  • Identify major elements of instructional and learning system design models.
  • Analyze design models and theories against intended learning objectives.
  • Select design models and theories based on intended learning objectives.
  • Select learning technologies for intended learning systems based on research and best practices.
  • Apply design models and theories to improve existing learning systems and become an instructional designer.

Who is this program for?

This program is designed for professionals who are engaged in instructional design and those aspiring to enter the field of instructional design who:

  • Want to gain the skills needed to solve real-world challenges on the job and learn to integrate learning technology into today’s learning environments.
  • Are looking to expand their current skillset through hands-on projects specifically designed to support their career advancement.
  • Desire to gain experience with models, key concepts, and learning theories that can be applied to improve technology-enriched and -enabled learning environments (TEELE).
10 Rewarding Instructional Design Jobs in Modern Education

How to Apply for and Enroll in Instructional Design Online Program

Please follow the steps below to apply and then enroll in the Instructional Design MasterTrack®️ Certificate. Note: you must register for both courses that are part of the MTC in order to earn the certificate.

  • Complete the Academic Credit Registration Form for non-degree-seeking students

  • Review registration policies for non-degree students

  • Create a login and password

  • Submit your application materials which include a resume and your transcripts for eligibilty.

  • Select the semester: (Example: Spring - Online Courses)

  • Scroll to Ed Policy, Org & Ldrship

  • Choose the correct section which will have MTC behind the course name. This will be the 4 credit hour course listing. The 3 credit hour course listings are for undergraduate students and do not qualify for this program.

  • Select “add course.” Note: Courses can be taken in any order. You will need to register and pass both required courses before you can earn your graduate certificate.

  • Learn More About Coursera

Program Costs and Requirements

Please review the following information about our instructional design certificate’s costs and requirements:

  • The program costs a total of $2,384.00. This represents a special rate being offered to new students for these two courses only. **Note that all tuition and fee rates are subject to change without notice.

  • A Bachelor's degree is required to enroll in the Instructional Design MasterTrack®️ Certificate program. 

  • Our live synchronous sessions and group work use Zoom Video Conferencing Software. Please confirm that you can access Zoom.

  • The two courses can be taken in any order and do not have to be taken during the same semester.

Instructional Design Course Information

EPOL 472 MTC (Instructional and Training System Design)

Provides instruction and practice in the selection, organization, and preparation of content for instructional programs in business and technical settings. Provides students with a theoretical orientation to instructional design principles, as well as the opportunity to experience the instructional design process, as it applies to business and technical settings through the development of instructional materials.

EPOL 483 MTC (Learning Technologies)

The course addresses two important needs of educators. First, educators should be aware of recent developments in the area of instructional or educational technology. Second, educational professionals must be able to select, develop, and effectively use appropriate instructional technologies to enhance learning and communication. To meet these needs, the course materials cover a wide range of instructional technologies that are used for instructional and administrative purposes. Moving forward, students can apply the necessary skills they’ve learned in their studies throughout their careers, per the adult learning theory.

The course considers traditional instructional media, although significant emphasis is placed on more recent developments involving the use of the computer and its applications in education. Instructional technologies, such as computer-based instruction, computer-based testing, distance learning, interactive video, and intelligent instructional technologies, are covered.

Through online course readings, discussions, and projects, students in the course are expected to gain skills in choosing appropriate instructional technologies, designing effective presentations that rely on those technologies, and properly using instructional technologies to enhance communication with an audience.

Registration Information

Summer 2025

Course Name: EPOL 472 | MTC Section | Term A
CRN: 41896
First Week of Class: May 19, 2025
Last Week of Class: July 11, 2025
Instructor: Grace Oh, PhD
Registration Opens: April 21, 2025, at 8:00 am CT
Registration Closes: May 5, 2025, at 12:00 pm noon CT
Tuesday Evenings - Weekly Live Video Session: 5:00 pm – 8:00 pm CT 
Note: The first two weekly live sessions are required. This class will overlap with EPOL 483 for 4 weeks from the week of June 10, 2024, until the week of July 1, 2024.

Course Name: EPOL 483 | MTC Section | Term B
CRN: 41899
First Week of Class: June 16, 2025
Last Week of Class: August 7, 2025
Instructor: Carolina Cuesta, PhD
Registration Opens: April 21, 2025, at 8:00 am CT
Registration Closes: June 2, 2025, at 12:00 noon CT
Wednesday Evenings - Weekly Live Video Session: 5:00 pm – 8:00 pm CT
Note: The first two weekly live sessions are required. This class will overlap with EPOL 472 for 3 weeks from the week of June 16, 2025, until the week of July 11, 2025.

*Course registrations may close earlier than stated dates if registration limits are reached. Register early!



  EPOL 472 EPOL 483Recommended weekly time commitment to coursework
 Weeks8 weeks 8 weeks 
 May 18-24 x  8-12 hours
 May 25-31 x  8-12 hours
 June 1-7 x  8-12 hours
 June 8-14 x  8-12 hours
 June 15-21 x 16-24 hours
 June 22-28 x x 16-24 hours
 June 29-July 5x x 8-12 hours
 June 6-12
 x 8-12 hours
 July 13-19  x 8-12 hours
 July 20-26  x 8-12 hours
 July 27-Aug. 2  x 8-12 hours
 Aug. 3-7  x 8-12 hours


Spring 2025

Course Name: EPOL 472 (formerly HRD 411) | MTC Section | Term A
CRN: 72500
First Week of Class: January 19, 2025
Last Week of Class: March 9, 2025
Instructor: Carolina Cuesta, PhD
Registration Opened: November 18, 2024, at 8:00 am CT
Registration Closed: January 3, 2025, at 12:00 pm noon CT
Thursday Evenings - Weekly Live Video Session: 5:00 pm – 8:00 pm CT 
Note: The first two weekly live sessions are required. 

Course Name: EPOL 483 (formerly HRD 472) | MTC Section | Term B
CRN: 72510
First Week of Class: March 23, 2025
Last Week of Class: May 11, 2025
Instructor: Carolina Cuesta, PhD
Registration Opened: November 18, 2024, at 8:00 am CT
Registration Closed: March 7, 2025, at 12:00 noon CT
Thursday Evenings - Weekly Live Video Session: 5:00 pm – 8:00 pm CT
Note: The first two weekly live sessions are required. 

*Course registrations may close earlier than stated dates if registration limits are reached. Register early!


Fall 2024

Course Name: EPOL 472 | MTC Section | Term A
CRN: 73529
First Week of Class: August 26, 2024
Last Week of Class: October 14, 2024
Instructor: Carolina Cuesta, PhD
Registration Opened: July 12, 2024, at 8:00 am CT
Registration Closed: August 12, 2024, at 12:00 noon CT
Thursday Evenings - Weekly Live Video Session: 5:00 pm – 8:00 pm CT 
Note: The first two weekly live sessions are required. 

Course Name: EPOL 483 | MTC Section | Term B
CRN: 73530
First Week of Class: October 21, 2024
Last Week of Class: December 9, 2024
Instructor: Carolina Cuesta, PhD
Registration Opened: July 12, 2024, at 8:00 am CT
Registration Closes: October 7, 2024, at 12:00 noon CT
Thursday Evenings - Weekly Live Video Session: 5:00 pm – 8:00 pm CT
Note: The first two weekly live sessions are required. 

*Registrations for courses on instructional design may close earlier than the stated dates if registration limits are reached. Register early!

Payment Information

Payment Due Dates

Once you enroll in the MasterTrack®️ Certificate Program, a student account will be created, and you will be billed $1,192.00 per course based on the payment due dates. After enrolling, if you decide not to take the instructional design certificate course or complete the course, you are required to formally withdraw per the enrollment confirmation email you receive.

Payment Process
  1. The total cost of the program is $2,384.00. Once enrolled, you will pay the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign for each Coursera-based EPOL course ($1192) per semester when registration is open.
  2. Current Degree Seeking-Students - If you are a current degree-seeking student, you will need department approval and will be assessed at your current tuition rate.

Weekly Live Video Sessions Requirement 

The Instructional Design MasterTrack®️ Certificate program includes weekly live video sessions that are 3 hours long and are typically from 5:00-8:00 pm CT or 6:00-9:00 pm CT. The first two live video sessions for each course are required. These segments of our top instructional design programs are designed to help you interact with your course instructors and peers synchronously for enriched online learning experiences. Live video sessions will be recorded and archived.

Current Students

Current students enrolled in our online instructional design certificate programs or off-campus programs offered by the College of Education may take the same courses. Current students will be assessed at your current degree program tuition rate and your course will be hosted in Canvas.

From MasterTrack®️ to Master's Degree

Students who complete the Instructional Design MasterTrack®️ program can apply to our Master of Education (EdM) in Education Policy, Organization & Leadership (EPOL) with a concentration in Instructional Design, Technology, & Organization upon admission to the program.
For more information on this program, specific certificate courses, and the application process, please complete this short form and select the concentration of interest.

Questions About Getting Your Instructional Design Certificate?

Try talking with our chatbot Eddie or visit the Coursera Instructional Design MasterTrack®️ program page for the full list of FAQs. We can help answer questions about getting your instructional design certificate, online registration steps, and more. 

To contact us with additional questions, please email, or you can watch our latest webinar

Please note that tuition waivers cannot be used on the Instructional Design MasterTrack®️ program.