The Bureau of Educational Research is no longer overseeing the college subject pool and the Department of Educational Psychology has been asked to take it over. To facilitate this process we are planning to switch to a web-based STUDY ANNOUNCEMENT sign-up board, rather than using the board in the second floor hallway. We’ll also make a few procedure changes to ensure some oversight.
Instructions for Investigators:
Instructions for Students:
If your course requires that you complete at least 1 subject pool project, or offers extra credit for participation in studies, please review the open projects below and contact the PI either via their website or listed contact information to schedule the project. Once completed, please have the experimenter sign a participation card and return it to your course instructor for credit.
Human Subject Pool Experiment Participation Form
Participation: This study involved 2 hours of online activities, which can be completed in one 2-hour session or two 1-hour sessions, at the participant’s convenience. This study can be completed from any laptop or desktop computer with an internet connection. You will be asked to read and answer questions about sentences, to complete a sentence judgment task, to complete a fill-in-the-blank activity, and to answer questions about your language background.
Contact: Amelia Tighe, at , or fill out this survey to see if you are eligible
Procedure: This study is completely online and involves up to three sessions, dependent on your language background. You will be asked to complete a sentence judgment task.
To sign up: