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Quantitative and Qualitative Methodology, Measurement, and Evaluation (QUERIES)

Graduate Certificate in Evaluation

Description and Requirements

The Evaluation Program within the Quantitative and Qualitative Methodology, Measurement, and Evaluation (QUERIES) division of Educational Psychology in the College of Education is offering a Graduate Certificate in Evaluation starting the 2020-2021 academic year. The Certificate’s coursework and advising facilitate students building a strong interdisciplinary foundation in the evaluation of educational and social programs. The Certificate is open to graduate students across campus, who are interested in using evaluative thinking and strategies to design, implement, and improve social programming and polices that address a range of human needs in and for philanthropic, non-profit, (non-) governmental, social service, and other organizations and sectors.

Coursework Requirements

The core curricula comprising the Graduate Certificate in Evaluation cover the 4 dimensions of evaluation identified in Smith and Brandon’s (2007) Fundamentals Issues in Evaluation: evaluation theory, methods, practice, and profession.[1] Completion of the graduate certificate requires a minimum of 16 credit hours as detailed below. Beyond the three required courses, students may opt to take either an additional methods course or additional evaluation course.


Evaluation Graduate Certificate Coursework
EPSY 470 (4 hours) Required Primary dimension: theory
Secondary dimension(s): profession, practice
EPSY 471 (4 hours) Required Primary dimension: practice
Secondary dimension(s): methods, profession
Methods Course*
(4 hours)
Required Primary dimension: methods
Additional Methods Course*
(4 hours)
Elective Primary dimension: methods
Additional Evaluation Course**
(4 hours)
Elective Primary dimension: varies by course
Secondary dimension(s): varies by course
*Students select social research methods courses[2] from a pre-approved list or in consultation with their QUERIES faculty advisor. **Pre-approved evaluation courses include EPSY 501, EPSY 505, EPSY 570, EPSY 572, HRD 585, CI 516, CI 590, and EOL 580.

Application Process

Interested students should visit the QUERIES webpage or contact Dr. Melissa Goodnight for further information. The application process consists of completing and submitting the following materials:

  1. A one-page letter of interest that explains why the student wants to participate in the certificate program, including the student’s interest in evaluation, current research, professional and academic goals, and plans to utilize evaluation in future work.
  2. A two-page curriculum vitae
  3. A completed application form with faculty advisor’s signature

Certificate Completion

All students accepted into the Graduate Certificate in Evaluation will be assigned an QUERIES advisor to consult regarding coursework and other evaluation interests. Certificates are awarded after successful completion of coursework and the Certificate’s exit process, which includes completing an exit advising meeting and submitting a brief student-authored report.

[1] Smith, N. & Brandon, P. (2007). Fundamental Issues in Evaluation. New York: Guilford Press.

[2] Methods refers to courses that develop skills in the areas of study design, data collection and analysis, interpersonal skills, and planning and management (Smith & Brandon, 2007). As evaluators’ social inquiry “tools,” methods are concerned with application as the means by which evaluation’s intended purposes are accomplished.

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